
[en] webmasters, tonight, ye dine in hell!

An updated plugin feed has successfuly been pushed.
Serial : 200906191634
Changes :

P DDI_Directory_Scanner.nasl
U display_http_cookies.nasl
P find_service.nasl
U http_audit_settings.nasl
P open_nntp_server.nasl
P opera_925.nasl
P os_fingerprint_http.nasl
U pci_compliance.nbin
U pci_compliance_test_req.nbin
P scan_info.nasl
P sql_injection.nasl
P tomcat_error_version.nasl
U torture_cgi.inc
U torture_cgi_command_exec.nasl
U torture_cgi_cross_site_scripting.nasl
U torture_cgi_directory_traversal.nasl
U torture_cgi_header_injection.nasl
U torture_cgi_remote_file_inclusion.nasl
U torture_cgi_timeout.nasl
P torturecgis.nasl
U web_app_test_settings.nasl
P webmirror.nasl
P websphere_6_1_0_25.nasl
P www_too_long_cookie.nasl
P www_too_long_header.nasl

The old torturecgis.nasl has been deprecated and replaced by torture_cgi_*.nasl.
As far as I know, the new scripts are more efficient, especially the XSS detector.

Nessus forum
Tenable blog
